Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Twofer Tuesday – It’s A Scandal….It’s A Outrage

It’s no secret I have a thing for TV.  And movies. And teen drama.  And reality shows.  And at times, random quotes and song lyrics pop into my head, and are a catalyst for a story or idea or a way to bridge the gap between what’s in my head and what I love and helps me get it on paper….or on the internet as it happens to be here.  (Please tell me someone got the Oklahoma! OK! from the title!)

I know the excessive TV is a terrible habit and I could find better things to do with my time and blah blah blah.  But I’ll be honest. Half the time it’s on I’m not even watching it. Sometimes there’s music playing too.  GASP!  Yup. I’m a horrible person.  Wasting electricity. Letting mindless TV creep into my mind.  I should be taken outside and hit over the head with a set of bunny ear antennas. 

Before you get all judgy wudgy about my bunny ears and archaic TV set….as!  if!….I have a flat screen, thankyouverymuch.  And it swivels.  So take that!  Just don’t take my flat screen or my DVD player or my cable box or my Apple TV away.  It’s my sunshine.  So please.  Hands off.  Because if you did, then I couldn’t delight you with what I watching these days.

Real Housewives of BH:

There’s a part of me that loves that just when I think it can’t get any worse….of course it does.  The further into the seasons these franchises go, the more ridiculous the women get. The hair. The clothes. The make-up.  The “Look at me!  Look at me!  Looks at me fight with her and her and her!”  And how many f*bombs can these ladies drop? I mean I have a total potty mouth and am a fan of the 4-letter word but sometimes even I’m amazed at the rants they go on.  They just can’t contain themselves.  And I of course cannot look away.

This season is no exception.  Everyone is who they were last season.  On crack.  Except for Kim who went to rehab and is much more mellow and philosophical and just wants to have peace and be with her kids and find some happiness. I’m total Team Kim so far.  And Camille has her new man and can’t stop making references how much her ex, was, uhhhh, lacking.  Not that he doesn’t deserve a little flogging.

But I digress…..

And while we all know Brandi is still on as the evil foil….kind of BH’s version of Kelly Bensimone…brought on just to drive people cray-cray…I kind of liked her for a moment during the first night of dinner on the girl’s trip when she talked about how hard it was to get over her ex.  And she drank too much and made mistakes with lots of men and took Lexipro and stayed home and cried and was super lonely. It was the most human I think she’s even been. And then right back to the f*bombs.

Though I have to say the ladies getting totally hammered in Ojai and doing handstands and laughing and just acting like they were in high school was pretty fun.  Reminded me of many girls trips I’ve been on.  Nothing trumps great girlfriends. 

What can I say? I’m going to keep watching. It’s horrible and I really want to know what on earth Brandi said about Adrienne because Bravo keeps beeping it out, which really makes me wonder….which is exactly why I’ll tune in next week.  A girl needs some vices.

And I balance it out with…..


I can’t even believe it’s taken me this long to write about Scandal. It’s bad enough I didn’t pick up this fabulousness in the spring when it premiered, though pretty sure I was having a career crisis which meant I spent more time at the bar than on my couch.  You can judge me for that if you want.  I don’t mind.  Or maybe you’re judging me now because I’m not as out and about.  LOL.  Doesn’t bother me.

But if you’re not watching Scandal, then stop whatever you’re doing and start.  The great thing about starting now is you can stream Season 1 on Netflix…mid-season replacement, so it’s only like 8 episodes (aka…this Sunday afternoon on the couch.  Done.).  The greater thing is you don’t have to wait to see what happens next, because BAM! here comes the next episode.

You must!  And “why” you ask?  Without any spoilers…..I SWEAR…..what I will tell you is it’s done by the creator of Grey’s (and it’s amazingly addictive like Grey’s was at the start).  It’s a political thriller.  D.C.  Murder.  Madams.  Mystery.  Cops.  Ex-cons doing right for the world.  And some doing some epically screwed up stuff. Journalists.  The White House.  The President (well, the fictional Fitzgerald Grant).  Fast paced.  Intrigue.  Sex.  Fashion. Some humorous moments in the darkest way.  And at the center of it all is Olivia Pope.  Crisis management executive.  Fixer of problems.  Secret keeping.  And spin controller when the scandal hits.  With another mystery on top. AND, Judy Smith, the real life crisis manager that Olivia Pope is based on, is a BU College of Communication grad.  Hello, fellow alum.  You just got even cooler to me.

So, reader, here’s my one must:
You have to watch this one from the beginning or it won’t make as much sense.  Season 2 started in the fall and if you’re not dropping money on iTunes to get caught up or using the hell out of your On Demand feature by this point, then I don’t even know what to tell you.

It’s ahhh-may-zing.  Seriously.  And I'm totally obsessed with Olivia's clothes.  And Kerry Washington.  So fierce in this.  Just finish reading this post and start watching Scandal.  Now.   

You can listen to this while your queuing up your Neflix account:

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