Friday, December 28, 2012

Fab Five Friday

First there was Fab 5 Freddy, who I discovered in Blondie’s Rapture.  I had no clue who he was or what he or that song meant in the grand scheme of groundbreaking musical moments when I sang it into a hairbrush, at the top of my lungs, in my bedroom.  I just thought Blondie was epically cool and took it from there.

Then there was Duran Duran – a true Fab Five. It was the first time I understood true celebrity addiction and obsession. I gobbled up every copy of Star Hits and Bop! that I could get my hands on.  I plastered my wall with posters of Roger and Andy Taylor. (My sister was obsessed with John therefore I couldn’t me, as anyone with a sister will attest to.)  I gobbled up EPs at Crazy Eddie’s and once again, sang songs, into a hairbrush, in my room.  Sorry about all this awful singing, Mom and Dad!!!

Many years there was a wonderfully awful Lifetime movie that can be wonderfully awful in a way only Lifetime movies can be called The Fab Five about a group of high school cheerleaders in Texas who are the wild childs of the school, getting away with drinking, partying and breaking all the rules because one of their mom’s is the Principal.  They called her Big Mac or Big Cheese or Quiche or something because her name was Lorraine or some crap like that.  But that's besides the point.  What matters here is that when the new (and uptight/totally by-the-books) cheerleading coach gets on the scene, she is just not putting up with all of this teenage nonsense.  And that of course just makes the Fab Five that much more out of control.  And as you can guess a great movie follows.  (By which I mean "great" in Lifetime terms which means I should be ashamed to admit I enjoyed this movie, but I'm so deep in a shame spiral in this blog, why should I stop now????)  This movie could be a true story. Maybe not. Who can even tell on Lifetime?  All I know is it's high school drama plus Tatum O’Neal and Hannah from Pretty Little Liars as stars.  Done.  And done.

Which brings me to today. 

Fridays. From here on out it’s "Five Things I Find Fab".  (Yes, another ode to Andy Cohen’s obsessions from Watch What Happens!  Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, right?  AND Andy is yet another BU grad.  I mean could my alma mater BE any cooler????  Answer:  No!).

So here goes my first Fab Friday….

1. Wishes & Stars – by Harper Smith

In addition to discovering the amazingness of Girls in the past week (more on that to come), I have also found a whole new world of music – songs and artists alike.  Wishes & Stars is just brilliant to me.  Love it.  (And kind of loving the name Harper and want to use it in my next story.)  So the’s been going on repeat and I will be singing it, sans hairbrush, when I get off this train and into the city. 

Though truth be told I could sing it right here and now and no one would even notice as the sounds of suburbanites and their bratty kids heading into NYC for the day have raised the volume on this train car to new heights!  It’s mindboggling how every annoying kid east of the Hudson can manage to be gathered onto one train.  Must be a full moon or something.

2.  The Christmas Tree

I am a fan of tradition.  Christmas is nothing like it was.  If people even bother to send cards, a bunch of them come via email or Facebook.  People buy cookies instead of making them.  Buying gifts is more of a chore than a pleasure with people pushing and shoving and the stores being way too crowded to even be fun.  You can’t get near Rockefeller Center. 

The Spirit of Christmas has left the building.

I do my best to not let my cynicism take over which I’ll be honest, is easier said than done.  I only sent out a small amount of cards this year.  I bought cookies and chocolates to bring to my parents house.  But I did get a few gifts that were practical and thoughtful (if I do say so myself.  I’m tooting Gabriel’s horn here.)

And other than a fun and relaxing and sentimental time with family, my favorite things about Christmas is sipping eggnog by the tree.  I even got to help decorate it this year, which was about all I needed to switch into the Christmas mode and stay there for the next week.  I also snagged half of the candy canes and took them with me when I left.

3.  A Well Earned Day In Bed

Rumor has it there’s some snow coming into NYC tomorrow, which doesn’t really sound like a fun day to be out and about.  What it sounds like is a fun day to be warm inside, being lazy, and reading and watching TV in bed.  I haven’t had a day like that in forever and I’m thinking that might be exactly what I do.  Close the shutters.  Shut out the world.  And do something fully self-indulgent. 

In my perfect world I’m taking naps throughout the day also.  Being able to do all of this when I’m not knocking back Tylenol Cold and fighting a fever is so much more fun. 
4.  Tumblr

How did I not discover this amazingness sooner?  I’ve been ripping pictures from magazines since I was old enough to buy them.  I obsessively write down quotes….underline them in books….buy those Quotable Cards and hang them on my fridge, along with all sorts of other clippings as my own personal inspiration board. 

And along comes Tumblr, which is one giant inspiration board of pictures and videos and quotes and photos and sound bites and anything else you want it to be.  In short, it’s my obsession.  I lose hours looking at all that’s out there.  And find inspiration in what I’m seeing people do.  If you haven’t checked it out, I highly recommend.    

Me? Find it here. 

I’m.  All.  In.

5.  These Words:

“I belong with you.  You belong with me. You’re my sweetheart.”

Gives me the chills every time I hear them.  

So there you have.  Fab Five. 

And one song for good luck, to close with:

What do you think is Fab?  I want to hear all about it!

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