Monday, January 21, 2013

Less-than-manic this Monday!

So Monday’s are far less manic when it’s a free Monday. Which is what today is. I haven’t had MLK as a holiday in like ever.  So today feels like a free pass. Almost like I’m playing hooky but my work email isn’t pinging every five minutes so I don’t have to feel guilty about not looking at it. (Even though I brought home a pile of work to do which is taunting me from my dining room table.)

So earlier today, I was group texting with the ladies like we’re wont to do, relaying the plays for the day.  My “to do” list was quite long and according to one of my friends, rather ambitious.  And it’s not like I ever quite get it all done – ever – but I’m back to the “if I build it he will come” of things in that “if I say I’m going to do it, I’ll do it.  Eventually.  One day.  Maybe today.  Maybe not so much today, but tomorrow or next weekend.”  And I say that since most weeknights I make all sorts of deals with myself and all the things I’ll get done over the weekend or all the things I could get done during the week if I could just magically be financially independent and quit my job and suddenly have 24 hours a day that were mine MINE!!!!

But then I wake up from that fantasy and do my damndest to knock a few things off the life list.  Today wasn’t all bad – finished my book, did yoga, made some actually food for lunch that will totally have a second coming tomorrow as leftovers for lunch which means I don’t have to buy it or make something new. Win. Win.

But what I really need to do, that I’ve been half-assing for months is put some clothes back on eBay.  I’ve dipped a toe in that pool and made some decent money. But it takes time.  (Yes.  I know I technically just had three whole days.)  And it takes some commitment.  (You have to follow it at least daily in case there are questions or people actually pick the “Buy It Now” option.).  And I have to photograph my clothes and try to come up with some quippy little descriptions that will garner some attention and get people to buy my things.  Truth is, since I’m in the self-imposed spend freeze (minus those winter boots from Zappos last night, but that’s necessity because it’s winter and the lining of my boots decided to kick the bucket in January….asshole boots.  Can boots be assholes?).

Moving on….I saw a dress that I wanted.  Desperately. It was on What Not To Wear and like most anything that I want…the obsession develops…and want turn into must have.  In this case, the dress was of course sold out everywhere, because the show was taped months ago.  But then I found it….on eBay.  Now the new me…the spend-freeze me….sleeps on things. Tries not to be impulsive.  Tries to weigh the pros and cons and not have the instant gratification trigger finger.  Mind you this is much easier when I do not have a glass of wine in my hand. Or three already coursing through my veins. 

I am very proud to say I slept on this dress, so to speak, for almost a week.  And then I decided it was worth it.  Let’s hope I’m right and that it looks as good on me as I’m hoping it will. (And that it's a little longer than it appears to be on this girl.)  But that’s what led me back down this path of eBay.  Sell more. Buy more.  And of course there’s this JCrew dress circa 2010 that’s popped up….on auction.  And a JCrew collection skirt from 2008.  Same deal.  And good prices.  And like any good junkie I want them!  NOW!  I feel like this is fate…destiny…karma…every star aligned for me.  Good pricing.  My sizing.  The fashion gods are sending me a sign. 

That should be motivation enough.  But then I popped in my Netflix movie so I can drop it in the mail tomorrow.  (Anyone for Pitch Perfect?)  Nothing saps my energy like a movie…. especially when I opt to paint my toenails, which means I’m locked to the couch for fear of screwing them up. One might say I do that on purpose. One would be right.

And now it’s starting to get dark out and the reality that tomorrow exists is starting to set in. And Sunday blues come a day late.  Big sigh.  But trying to turn the ‘tude around and keep snatching great lines from tumblr and looking at them over and over until it penetrates.  Here’s hoping!

And one little gripe before I go.  So PP was entertaining for what it was.  Love to sing along.  And while I love me a “Preview” feature before a movie, I’m equally excited about the “Special Features” that come along with the DVD.  So….I have to say if they are an option…and you click on them…and get this big-ass error message that says “this DVD is for rental purposes only and buy the real DVD if you want to actually see these special features we are teasing you with”.

Damn you, Netflix. It’s like you know I’m breaking up with you at the end of the month because your DVD program doesn’t do it for me anymore.  And because I’m getting two movie channels now (Showtime for free and HBO for Girls. And $15.) and while they are mostly filled with crap I will never watch, I don’t need DVD rentals collecting dust next to my To Do list.  Just saying.

Time to get back to it.  Or maybe take a manic-free-day nap.  That sounds so much better to me…..

And if you didn't see this video coming, then you really need to go back and read this blog from the beginning...this is what I live for.

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