Monday, January 7, 2013

Girls! Girls! Girls! The Antidote to Another Manic Monday

True confession.  I have a total girl crush on Lena Dunham

I just think she’s so damn cool.  Writer.  Director.  Producer.  (And can we talk about that $3.5M book deal?????).  And while she says she doesn’t understand why people keep saying she’s so “brave” for getting naked like all the damn time, I say good for you you fraking ROCK, lady.  I don’t even like to be naked in the locker room at Bliss.  So “brave” or “okay with it” or whatever you want to call it, even though you didn't ask me, I'm going to tell are one of the coolest ladies out there. 

Now you may wonder why it’s taken me so long to wax on about Lena.  What can I say?  Once again I was late to the party.  (I was so the late bloomer of the group.)  But my Girls delay was not for lack of trying. I knew the buzz around Girls was huge.  I had multiple friends tell me how much it reminded them of how we were in our early twenties. I knew it was for people who moved to NYC thinking they’d live the-Carrie-Bradshaw-life, only to find out that the lifestyle portrayed in SATC exists for a very, very slim population.  Truth be told most of us are more likely to wake up in the world of Girls. And while I wouldn't mind a few spins in Carrie's closet and some time with Aiden before it all went to hell or with Berger before they made him a horribly insecure loser, I'd say the world of Girls isn't such a bad place to be...with the comfort of great friends and the knowledge that the 20s only happen once.

don't they look like great fun to hang out with???
Now reason #1 I missed out on the show is that I don’t have HBO.  Mostly because I think it’s a kind of a waste of money to get it for one TV show and the same crappy movies on repeat day after day.  You get about 10 channels and I don’t even think HBO shows 3K anymore! (Sidebar…this is the documentary about Derek Jeter working towards his 3000th career hit.  I love a great baseball story.  But I can’t see this one because I think HBO only ever showed it the month it came out and then for some totally unknown reason have yet to release it on DVD a friggin year and a half later, but that’s a whole other bucket of rage.)


I kind of assumed it would hit Netflix sooner rather than later. Turns out it was later. Then I was going to watch it at my friend’s place but her OnDemand was all wonky and we wound up watching Princess Bride (as……..wish…….). 

But against all odds, a little star-aligning moment happened for me.  Girls was on the top of my Netflix since the 12/15 release date, but I’d been getting the short end of the Netflix stick, as I had The West Wing in my #2 spot, a show I’ve never seen but between my fascination with Scandal (which is giving me a DC obsession) and the general desire to counter things like RHOBH and Pretty Little Liars that take up real estate on my TV schedule, I added it.  And for some unknown reason someone else in the area also wants to watch the show, so for the past three returns I’ve been getting choice #3 which I’ve been too preoccupied to pay attention to and it’s been something random/I’m-so-not-in-the-mood (that literal cult movie with Elizabeth Olsen)/why-did-I-put-this-in-a-top-spot. It’s been a rough go.  And then….stars….aligned and BAM!  Girls was in my mailbox one Wednesday night.

Two nights out later, I popped in the first five episodes on a Saturday afternoon and by the time I got to episode three I was looking to see how much it would cost to buy it on Barnes & Noble (I still had a 20% off coupon burning a hole in my pocket). Or I could continue to try to be cool and download the damn series from iTunes.  One AmEx gift certificate later and it’s mine.  All mine.  (Laugh. Snicker.  Giggle.  Slightly evil laugh of happiness.).

I could spend days talking about how utterly phenomenal I find this show to be.  (Brilliant. Honest.  Funny as hell.  Smart. )  How amazed I am by Lena Dunham.  I’m equally amazed by how truly fearless I think the writing is because there are some flat out horrifying moments in the show which dare I say are hard for me to watch. Mostly because they are things that I did.  Or one of my friends did.  Or given the chance to be transported back in time and into that given situation me or one of my girlfriends would do it now.

That’s not to say we were “bad” so much (though visions of hopping in a car…while drunk….with strangers because we couldn’t catch a cab to save our lives just popped into my head.  Happened.).  And while we did have our share of OOC moments I can say, hands down, none of us accidentally smoked crack at the best party ever and ran around the streets of Brooklyn (or Boston if I’m keeping things accurate) without any bottoms on.  Though again, transported back in time, I can picture one of my friends doing this.  (But not me.  I’m not a girl who loses her pants.)

this is not reality..
The reality is what makes it truly horrifying because there is so much in there that people probably think it made up, but the truth of it is, this is what it’s like.  There was lots of hubbub about the sex in the first few episodes being too graphic or for shock value, but c’mon people.  Not all sex in real life is like it is in The Notebook….all romantic and dreamy and with dudes who look like Ryan Gosling.  (Not that I’d complain if it was, mind you!).  But a look at Girls is a glimpse through the looking glass. And what a scary yet exhilarating hindsight of what the 20s looks like.  (Shudder.  Laugh.  Shudder some more.  And shake my head because I totally get it.)  And it’s an authentic look at what friendship and life and relationships and mistakes and bad judgment and fear and growing up and trying to be independent but still needing help and trying to be an adult but still being a bit of a kid can look like.

So I’ll stop it there.  No episode details, I promise. I’m coming off a bit of a spoiler streak (I managed to ruin Les Mis for two people in under a week…though still not sure how it’s possible people don’t know who dies in that.  There’s a reason it’s call Les Miserables), but I don’t want to spoil anything for anyone who has yet to get on the Girls bus (because you too are being taunted by Netflix and don’t want to pay the cable man more $$). There are so many amazing one-liners. And Lena D. is not perfect and dolled up and sporting great hair and make-up at all times.  She looks like a real girl.  She sneaks cupcakes.  No one wears clothes or shoes they can’t afford. 

And maybe it’s because Lena Dunham’s Hannah is trying to be a writer that I’m feeling so much of her.  A feeling that was full on secured, beyond a reasonable doubt in episode 5.  Now let me first say (though I feel I’ve said it before so this may not be a shocker) lines from shows or books or movies that not only resonate….strike the proverbial cord…but are actually “I said that”/”I do that” moments….freak me out every time.  It happens often in the watching of 30 Rock, the reading of Emily Giffin.  And most recently Girls.

In Episode 5 (*no* spoilers), Hannah’s friend encourages to do something “for the story”.  This very thing was a game or sorts that this guy friend and I used to play.  “Do it for the story”.  We fiercely encouraged each other to do “it” (whatever "it" happened to be), so we’d have a good story to relay to the other the next day.  This was of course before we entered the fifty shades of grey between friendship and relationship, so encouraging each other to do scandalous, salacious things was all great for sport.  And sometimes truly did make for a good story.  I miss that.  Sigh.  But that's a story for another day. Maybe a day when I find myself being brave enough to get naked.  Emotionally naked, that is.

But back to the business at hand..... 

Go.  Watch.  Girls. 

Need one more reason?  It has some truly, truly great music in it too.  I’ve already put some of it display here

This song comes during probably my most favorite scene yet.  All adventurous women do…..

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