Friday, May 31, 2013

Fab Five Friday - The Magic of an Exorcism

It’s the middle of a premature heat wave in NYC. (Over it.  Party of one.)  And as much as I hate the heat and find everything much less fun in this kind of weather, I have to say, today was a really good day.  A game changer of a day if you will.  And for the first time in really, really long time I feel like I’m walking a little taller and breathing a little easier.  

There’s something very liberating about having an epically toxic person exorcised from your life.  And that’s what happened to me today. This weather may be trying to keep me down, but in this moment...not gonna happen, whether you like it of not, WEATHER!  Because I couldn't be happier.  

And, sure, who doesn't love a good exorcism?  But if that's not your thing, here's five other things that are making me smile a little wider:  

Long Live the Queen:
I’ve been lusting the McQueen skull scarf for a long time, but have been waiting for a cool color or pattern that I don’t see all the time. I fell in love with leopard skull but at nearly $800 I couldn’t quite justify. 

I simultaneously spent some quality time lusting a black/yellow/white DVF scarf .  Full price.  Sale price.  But something still held me back from pulling the trigger.  

Sixth sense?  Gut check?  How did I just *know* that something better was coming along?

Well  then I found this loveliness.  All the right colors in a unique McQueen pattern.  Cannot wait to debut this next week.

Black and White Cookies:

My crack.  My weakness.  My everything.  I’m also fairly certain I’ve gushed about this before, but whatevs….they’re that damn good.  And today this giant cookie is as amazing as a glass of bubbly!

Epic Post-It Notes:

Moving through the Book Architecture Revision Method and I’m up to the dreaded but necessary step to see if what I’ve written actually supports my theme.  (And the fear of committing to what I think is my theme.)  

But the fun part is it involves brainstorming and giant paper and markers and feels like a semi-fun arts and crafts.  Or maybe if I tell myself that it will less like work.  But I’m committed to this (and I really do love a totally different approach to revising).  

And I love any excuse to go to Staples and buy cool pens and paper.  I mean how cool are these giant Post-Its?  I’m thinking if I also use them for my To Do Lists than I will seriously have no excuses for not getting stuff done.

Mystery Overload:

First up there’s Motive a new show on ABC that shows you the victim, the killer and the murder.  And the show focuses on how the detectives find the killer through deciphering the motive for the killing.  It’s two eps in and I think an interesting twist on the mystery show. Plus I love a great lady detective since I’m writing mysteries so I fine the inspiration everywhere.  Also love that Joey McIntire got killed two minutes into episode 1.  But not before a little “Hit Me With Your Best Shot” karaoke.  So good.

Next up – The Killing is back on Sunday.  New season.  New crime.  Dark and will probably give me some creeper dreams. But it’s such a great show.  And again, I take the inspiration from everywhere. 

And finally, a new book – Touch and Go by Lisa Gardner.  A prominent Back Bay family gets kidnapped on the first few pages.  Now what?  Mystery + Boston + fast-paced-thriller = happy me!!!

Musical Magic:

It’s no secret that I love music and devour lyrics and that it can change my mood in the matter of a few beats.  The first song I officially listened to post-exorcism today was “Everything’s Magic” by Angels and Airwaves.  

I love when a song I haven’t listened to in a while comes across the shuffle feature and hits home.  Love it!  For these lyrics and more!

“So hear this please
And watch as your hearts speeds up endlessly
And look for the stars as the sun goes down
Each breath that you take has a thunderous sound
Everything, everything's magic
Just sit back and hold on, but hold on tight
Prepare for the best and the fastest ride
And reach out your hand, and I'll make you mine
Everything, everything's magic.”

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Housewives and Dreams (did you get that Cocktail reference???)

So I’ve been pretty good working my way though my Book Architecture project for "The Legacy".  I'm committed to making this book better and giving it the one last shot I think it deserves and then sending it back out into the world, in a version that barely resembles the original, which I think is a very good thing.

So, if you’re writing a book or just have a random interest in how the hell to attack a revision, read on my friend.  If you have zero interest in that and are just here for some pop culture blabbering, just jump down below the pictures…you can start there! 

Okay, so here’s the short version of the Book Architecture Revision Method (so far).  Part One is "99 Scenes in the Right Order" (kind of like 99 Problems.  But not.)  

So first up, you write down all the scenes that you can, from memory.  Just a little something that clicks your memory for that scene.  And when you think you've got everything, print out the whole book out and go through page-by-page to see which scenes
were forgotten.  I actually did pretty well on this part and didn't leave too much out.  (Yeah me!  Pat on the back and a little reward.)  Add the scenes you forgot, and make sure every scene is accounted for.  

Now that the list is complete, run over them with a highlighter to decide what’s good (not perfect, but good enough for now).  What’s bad (needs work, needs to change, doesn’t quite sit right…you get the gist).  The forgotten (there’s probably a reason and that probably is a good sign that those scenes can go).  And if you’re feeling inspired, what’s missing (which you may not know now, or you might. This is the work in process part.)  I've added four scenes and actually changed one of my victims to someone else.  (And yes, if you're new to reading me, my book is a mystery so killing people is totally legit.

And when that part is done, you cut everything up.  Literally.

I oddly found this liberating and exciting. I'm a fan of taking it apart to put it back together again.  
So that’s where I am.  Everything is cut apart.  Now it’s time to dig even deeper into each scene.  This is also where it starts to get hard, but as the saying goes, nothing worth having comes easy.

And sometimes the mind just needs a break.  So there’s this:   

***HINT HINT HINT - If you don't give a hoot about writing START HERE***

I’m all caught up on The Real Housewives of Orange-you-Crazy, though oddly enough for some reason I have yet to chime in on it.  How have I been letting this opportunity pass me by each week??? 

Well….truth be told…I’m a smidge apathetic about this season.    It’s a bit on the odd side, feels a bit scripted (I know…how is that possible with REALITY TV??).  Allow me to revise that…it feels more scripted than usual.  And I can’t quite wrap my what-feels-sane-head around it. There’s so much going on yet it’s the same stuff over and over and I feel like it’s not all in context yet, so I’m just going to bullet what’s happened so far.  Maybe after another few eps I can really analyze the hell out of it, in an obsessive, unhealthy way.  So here we go:

  • Tamra and Vicky have a wine business together.  When did that happen? And it’s called “Wine with Wives” or something like that, yet neither of them is married anymore.  (Awk-ward) But they also seem to hate each other.  And when they are setting up the office Vicky isn’t there.  And apparently she has a vodka coming out??  How does a person do that?  Can I make Audrey’s Vodka by slapping my name on some Belvedere? Color me confused. 
  • Two words - Chin implant.  “It’s not about what Slade said.”  Yet so obviously the exact reason why she got it done.
  • Alexis.  Will.  Never.  Learn. 
  • Three words – General Hospital cameo.  (LMAO)
  • And the other ladies aren’t bullies.  They were trying to be honest but you and your cubic zirconia are just too soft to see it.  (Or hear it.)
  • I like Gretchen and Tamra as friends.  They totally crack me up and seem like they can get into all sorts of funny drunk trouble.  Still not liking Slade and his “buying” Gretchen a Rolls, but since we know that in the present tense they get engaged, I’m even less interested in him than I was before.  And bummed to know she won’t be dumping his Real Househusband ass.
  • Brooks.  Shudder.  Ick.  Why?  Dump.  Him.  Now.
  • Lydia.  I don’t know what to say about her. I found her squeaking noises and crazy eyes a bit off-putting at first.  But when she started to talk about how ridic Alexis is I kind of liked her a little more.  And the fact that she talks about what an insane pothead her mom was (is?) I kind of like her even more.
  • But then I’m realizing her entire storyline may boil down to trying to get Alexis to forgive the rest of the gals and all be gal pals again and the whole, “I don’t get angry when my Mom smokes pot”.  Except she does get angry and resents her Mom for wanting to live in the land of the bunnies.  (Apparently it’s much happier there, in case you were wondering.)
  • Happy to see the return of Laurie.  I always liked her.  I was hoping she would spread new Slade dirt.  No such luck.  But kind of oddly pleased that her formerly troubled kids are doing well. 
  • Heather.  She had me last season.  She won me for life with “anyone who says blondes have more fun hasn’t met me yet.”  Cheers to that, my brunette sister!
  • I also thoroughly enjoy Heather on her radio show and on Hot In Cleveland (or at least the part they showed on RHOOC).  “I’m gonna cut you like bad bangs, bitch.” Bravo!

But then I am also full of questions:  
  • Will Tamra’s gym ever open? 
  • Why do Housewives keep bring psychic-types to cleanse their house?  Tamra.  That little lady in DC who ran the modeling agency.  Taylor in BH.  Is this the new fad?  Will Tamra marry Eddie?  What happened to her flock of children?  Though happy to not have to see Ryan and his inner lip tattoo. 
  • Will Gina come back on the scene and stir trouble and have another drink-toss?
  • Will Alexis ever get a clue?  Will Jim ever, well, stop being Jim? 

God help me, but I can’t wait to find out!  And if you didn't get the Cocktail reference, look it up.  Horrid movie.  I watched it so many times because of my love for Elizabeth Shue.  

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Twofer Tuesday - The 90210 Finale. All Over Again.

Apparently, despite the fact that I feel like I don't have an ounce of free time to do all the thing I want to do...I should be doing...and blah blah blah (you know, things like lying to myself about not having enough time when the truth is I just procrastinate and dawdle away my free time to do things like the epically shameful watching of really crappy teen drama.)

But I do have some time on my hands.  (Here comes the shame.)  The thing is, I try to resist the teenage drama. I swear.  I try not to fall prey to it.  Sometimes I try harder than other times.  And then I don’t try at all.  So prey I fall. And fall and fall and fall.  And fall.

But lucky for all of us, after last night I can pick myself back up again.  Because just like all good things must come to an end, so must all bad things.  And by bad, Duh!, I obviously totally mean *good*.   

I proudly, shamefully give you the Series Finale of 90210.  


So let's be honest here.  There really was no need to mess with a classic.   Sure it went the way of the preposterous and that's why it ended.  Semi-happily-ever-after (except for Brandon and Brenda which is ironic given how they started it all).  But letting that go, the CW needed a hit, so why not dust off an old favorite?  

So there was a new class….a spinoff class….whatever you want to call them….and after five years they are bidding adieu.  And how has it been 5 years you ask?  Don’t waste the brain energy. I can’t quite figure it out either, but it was.  And I’ve watched too many episodes for my own good, which is part of the reason I couldn't resist the finale. Plus I like me some good old fashioned closure.

If you haven't tuned into this show, I'll give you a little background.  Just like the original, the New 90210 was family friendlish and cheesy with mom and dad from Minnesota (or wherever the do-over family was from) moving to Bev Hills.  Mom was resistant.  The daughter was naive and just wanted to fit in and be liked and date the cool boy.  The son worked at the Peach Pit (oh, the pain!!!!).  

Though in this incarnation grandma was rich.  “Brandon” was adopted.  And African-American.  Points for ethnicity.  And “Brenda”…uh, Annie, was also a wannabe actress and a little bit prissy.  At first.  But then Annie got all bad ass.  She killed a guy in a drunk hit and run after prom.  Geez!  And to think all those years ago critics went berserk at Brenda and Dylan’s prom.  All they did was have sex.  Kind of tame compared to MANSLAUGHTER!!!! 

The new 90210 was definitely more salacious.  Or trying to be.  Even with the return of Brenda.  And Donna.  And Kelly…who had Dylan’s kid.  But we never see Dylan.  And poor Jackie is so far off the wagon, the wagon isn’t even in the picture.  And then she died.  Boom goes the dynamite! 

And while I could write mountains about this show, I'll spare you.  But I do have to comment on the shame of Brenda Walsh returning from Broadway so she could direct West Bev’s production of “Spring Awakening”.  Sure Shannen Doherty was a ploy to get idiots like me to tune in.  (Done.  And done.)  But I’m sorry...I call bullshit on the fact that this gigantic high school only had 15 kids who want to be in the school musical.  I went to school with ~350 people and I’d venture to guess 150 were involved in every school play. Just saying….who puts on "Spring Awakening"?  Great show. Saw it on Broadway.  I digress.

But back to W. Bev...a school that I wouldn’t have been cool enough to go to (or else I would have been the stereotypical nerd in the newspaper room…the Andrea pining for her Brandon…sorry…that’s my stuff)….but in the world of Naomi and Silver and Dixon (aka DJ David Silver Version 2.0) and Adriana and Liam and Annie and that guy who was the stud in season one but then they let that poor actor go and I have no memory of his real name or TV name and the hippy cool surfer girl (aka Betty/Sarah in the original, though she was an alkie who made out with Dylan) and Teddy who was supposed to be “the man”…a far better looking Steve Sanders with the lamest name who eventually comes out (at last a good storyline). 

I know there were more people, but I can’t even remember who they were.  What I remember is what counts and that’s these timeless memories:
  • Adriana, who goes from drug-addicted teen mom to mega-star teen singer in a blink.  She pairs up with some hot male singer (I think he was supposed to be popular like the Jo-Bros, but actually a grown man).  Then Adriana has writer’s block and doubts here talent.  There’s a car accident or something and the guy dies.  And Adriana steals his lyric book from the accident scene and eventually releases the music as her own.  She gets found out (obvi), but what a fun short ride it was while it lasted.  Sidebar - she gives birth to a healthy baby and then gives it away.  But it also goes without saying she regrets that for a bit.  90210.  The show with a conscience.
  • But never fear….Silver (aka Kelly's little sister Erin Silver.  But she's a legit badass so she goes by "Silver")...anyway, she later dates a guy with an adopted kid…and guess what???…it’s Adriana’s baby.  Not sure how that ended because I dropped out again at that point, but pretty sure the guy moved to the East Coast.  And when that happens it’s like he fell into the Bermuda triangle.  Apparently these people can't be bothered dating across a few time zones.  Snobs.
  • Silver is bipolar and when she dates Adriana’s ex, Ade switches up Silver's meds that makes her go insanely crazy.  Because all girls are so mean that they actually screw with their friend’s meds to the point it might kill them.  Love you.  Mean it.
  • Kelly, never one to break her Season 1/original 90210 ways, has an affair with Annie and Dixon’s dad, who is also the principal.  The marriage breaks up and the parents get written off the show.  But not before an episode where they mistakenly eat pot brownies.  Oh those crazy mid-western folks and their accidental drug intake!  Kelly also dates the young English teacher which I’m pretty sure was also scandalous. And then he dates Naomi’s sister. But she was so materialistic, she couldn’t date the poor English teacher and she couldn’t maintain a storyline, so they have her follow some rich European dude to somewhere in Europe.  Bon voyage another-rich-girl-whose-name-I-don't-remember!
  • Annie becomes a prostitute of the Heidi Fleiss girls variety.  I think it was to pay for Dixon’s rehab (pills?  coke?  booze?  I don't remember) or something that was supposed to justify her slutty decision.  Not sure if this was better or worse than having her kill the guy in season 1.
  • By the way, Annie also dates the grandson of the guy she killed, but she doesn't know he's the grandson.  She just thinks he's a boy who is hopelessly in love with her.  But he knew she killed him, obvi.  And then goes on to blackmail her and I think he may have tossed her down the stairs or something Ray Pruitt-style.  Nothing says "genius" like yet another recycled storyline.  Might as well burn someone in a fire while we're at it. 
  • Lucinda Williams manages to reincarnate herself as a sleazy agent, trying to represent Liam.  But she’s not Lucinda. She’s just the same actress, playing a different full blown cougar, trying to shag a college boy.  Mazel!  Now the producers are just giving us the big fat 'wink wink nod nod'.  If Deshawn Hardell shows up I'm really going to be annoyed.  Good thing John Sears was too busy being old and murdery over on One Tree Hill.
  • Silver’s doctor calls her on the phone to tell her she has cancer.  I’m fairly certain that never happens.
  • Liam’s dad was Bo Duke.  He also made Liam live in the garage and I think he was building a boat.  Pacey?  Is that you?  Joey Potter here!
  • Queen Bee Naomi falls in love with epic high school nerd.  He turns her down. She tries harder.  Eventually they get married (yeah, right).  And then divorced.  (That’s the ticket.)
  • And for the piece de resistance, Navid’s father is a porn director and apparently has under-aged girls in his movies.  But he swears he "didn’t know”. Sure he didn’t.  Just like no one really knew how old Tracy Lords was.  Navid’s father is then on the run or leaves the country or something so he doesn’t have to go to jail.  And there's some mob/mafia storyline where Navid tries to save his families name (or money?) and works with the FBI to entrap the scoundrels.  Ah, family values. 

And if all of that doesn’t hurt enough, the finale has the group rallying around after the amphitheater where Adriana was performing collapses. Her and Navid (which still just sounds like the fancy man’s David) are stuck inside….the “gang” magically pulls together a fundraiser within hours and the Goo Goo Dolls are playing at it.  What?  Huh?  How?  WHAT????  And for some reason, the trapped people talk on their cell phones and live-stream the concert and never seem to run out of juice. Uh, a girl can only suspend so much disbelief. 

Thank God this show is over because so am I! Though glad to see Quentin came back from his literal death on One Tree Hill though not sure why he would want to date Naomi.  And his green suit was really horrible.  But I always liked Q.

As for the rest of the show, it was all pretty much happily ever after. Except for Silver and her cancer.  But she's fighting it, man!  So good for her.   

As for the rest of 90210, I'm sorry, but I have to say it.  Worst.  Finale.  Ever.

So now we can all wash our hands clean of this debacle...pray to God it doesn't show up on the Soap Network, where only good shows get to live on for eternity.  And poof!  I just got an hour of my life back.  Can't wait to see how I decide to waste this precious little chunk of time.


Sunday, May 12, 2013

Faking the tan...preserving the face....and worshiping Katie

I’m a firm believer in pampering oneself. In doing what makes happy. What makes you feel good. What makes you look good.  And feel good about how you look. 

So it’s Sunday and while I’m in the most major denial of what tomorrow morning brings (evil in a corporate package), I’m hanging onto even last minute of self-indulgence tonight.  And here’s some products I’ve loving (and not loving) right now:

Jergens Natural Glow

I'm a girl blessed with Casper-white skin and I'm fairly certain it actually repels the sun.  But it's that time of year when black opaque tights get stored until September.  Sigh. Farewell girl's best friend.  And I will admit I shudder at the thought of having to expose my legs to the world.  Not only because of the shame of being translucent, but also because I look like I've spent the winter locked up in a panic
room, totally Vitamin D deficient, and people give me weird looks.  Jerks.

Sidebar - you can save the lectures about being proud of what I was born with.  I know.  I shouldn't care what other people think.  I get it.  But it's not about them.  It's about me.   I  don't love my colorless skin.  And I'm not about to stand in a tanning booth or get a drippy, smelly, expensive spray tan.

So when one of my fair-skinned west coast friends boasted about this Jergens lotion...practically swore by it...I gave it a go.  And it does the trick.  And then some.  Subtle color after a few days.  And it keeps on building.  And it doesn't smell like suntan lotion or fake tanning cream.  

So slather it on ladies.  Proudly flash your legs around town. And walk the walk of a girl blessed with a great glow from head to toe.  (Rhyme not intentional.)

Many thanks to the lady at Saks for giving me some samples of this product.  It's amazing.  I wake up and my skin looks great.  Feels great.  And I swear with continued usage I might be able to freeze time...or at least slow it down...on my face.  Diminishes lines and wrinkles.  Rejuvenates.  Firms.  I mean, hello!  Miracle in a bottle here peeps!

The prospect of Botox or a face lift or plastic surgery scares the bejeezus out of me.  So my neck might eventually look like a chicken or a turkey or waddle and wrinkle (mmmm.....pretty).   But that's what scarves and turtlenecks are for.  And sure, my hands will eventually age and wrinkle and might give me  away.  But that's what amazing nail polish colors and hand creams are for.  

And I hope...I pray...I believe, that committing to yet another La Mer product (my fourth and counting) will keep me looking my amazing thirtysomething self for many, many years to come.  I won't lie, ladies. It's an investment.  But it will last forever.  And what's more important to invest in than yourself?     

Alterna – Kendi Dry Oil Mist

I am ALWAYS  on the lookout for something that will make my hair smoother  and shinier and fuller and less frizzy and less splitty.  And also something that might possibly keep my bangs from wanging out in 12 different directions at the mere mention of the word humidity.  And while this product doesn’t do all that, it does achieve the shiny and protects my hair from all that heat and all the styling tools I rain down upon it.

Now sure, one reason I got it was I had a 15% off coupon for Sephora (holler for being a VIB) and while searching the site to figure out just how to spend my discount, I stumbled upon Alterna.  And sure I’m always game for trying something new. But when I found out that Katie Holmes was not only the new spokesperson but also a co-owner….well, I have one word for you…DONE.

I'm pretty completely Katie obsessed in her pre and post Tom world. (Not a fan during the Stepford Scientology days.)  Joey.  Pieces of April.  The Romantics.  The fashion.  

Loving the mist.  My hair looks way better  (Though that could also be the 3" of dead weight I had hacked off).  So pretty pleased with my hair, on the non-humid days.  And still hoping one day that I can look this effortlessly amazing.


Bumble and Bumble - Texture

And then there's this. Before I discovered Alterna and was looking for something to give me some oomph I gave this a go.  And now I'm going to let it go.  Such a major letdown.

Let me first say, that I love Love LOVE B&B.  I worship at their shampoo and conditioner. I have tried a multitude of products and been happy with them (though nothing fights humidity or protects against heat styling....yet).

But Texture should really be called Paste. Because that's what it is.  It may as well be glue.  I used a small amount and it was like some gross version of psycho-hold something where I could pull my hair in all sorts of directions and it held.  Like 80s hair band directions.  Horrible.  Never mind how it felt.  Immediately washed my hair and had to start all over again.

I do so love you, Bumble, but you let me down on this one.  I'm only sorry I threw out the receipt because now it's going in the trash.  Cautionary tale, there.  At least I didn't buy the full-sized tube.  Rats!  Drat!  $&*#$(@!

So with that, it's Sunday night and I officially need to wind down and deny the alarm clock.  And stay's finale week for Scandal, Revenge and Castle.  And a new episode of Housewives will be on tomorrow.  And some celeb is bound to do something worth chatting about.  So more on all of that to come.  

And if you have any products to rave about...or warn us about...then please, share, share away!