Spotted. B living the
lonely life in a midtown tragedy. Was she traded
in for some greener grass on the UES? Or just playing second fiddle to the new
job and all the chaos that goes with it?
Only one way to find out….
What can I say B? Out
of sight, doesn’t mean out of mind. I
promise you this. And all those rumors
that I was living the high life, tossing back Blue Martinis (it was Tylenol
And that whole thing with the UES girls? Who can resist these crazy-ass Housewives,
especially when they go on a girl trip out of the country where all bets are
off and the booze is flowing and the lies are flowing and the stories are
flowing and the trampiness is flowing.
(Can I just say how much I love Carole?
Never mind when she’s talking about something that used to be a felony
in 37 states? And how bad of a liar is
LuAnn? This reunion is going to be SO
And I don’t have to tell you, B, a new job demands long
hours. Demands a lot of attention. Means sacrificing things in the short term
until I get my new-job legs under me and my arms around the place. It’s just a temporary thing.
You know what they always hurt the ones you love.
I didn’t mean to neglect you. Not intentionally. I’ve been thinking about you the whole
time. I SWEAR! What can I say? You know I have a selfish streak. And that I don’t have a maternal instinct
in my body. It’s why I don’t have kids.
Or pets. And why I can barely
even have plants. And that whole
situation with the plant by my bed…I know she wasn’t happy. You know what my
girl GG says, “You can’t save a damsel, if she loves her distress.” But it wasn’t murder. It was accidental overwatering. Some lessons you have to learn the hard way.
And sure, yes, I did pick Damages over you. I’ll admit
it. But you know how I get about those
Netflix DVD’s of TV shows when I’m in an obsessive mode. I need to know what happens. I have an addiction. (And btw, while Season 4 is my least favorite
so far., it’s still pretty damn good.
And merits full attention. But those first three seasons. Ah….epic.
High hopes for Season 5.) Digressions…..
And yes, I also did pick Gone
Girl over you, but good God, B. Cut
me some slack. That book was just amazing.
Oh yeah, there’s the Pinterest thing. But what can I
say? As usual I’m the last one to the
party but hello, how fun is that site? And it’s all interactive. And people
start following me. And they like the
pictures I’m picking and posting. And I can put my own photos up and pretty
much convert all of those binders full of ripped-out magazine imagines that
I’ve pretty much been collecting since junior high into one online interactive
inspiration board times infinity (or double infinity if you know what I mean). Please don’t begrudge me my Pinterest
interest. PLEASE!
So I come, bearing gifts.
Semi-new songs from old favorites:
And maybe a little eye candy
(Bonjour, Mr. Bass)
And a little something for the devil in me and the devil in you:
I know I can’t buy your affection. But maybe…just maybe…I
can buy a little forgiveness. I know you know there’s
very few things a great purse can’t fix. That's why we'll be besties 4-eva, B.
You know you love me.