Sunday, July 7, 2013

Back at it....and here to stay!

So yes I’ve been off the map lately.  And I could make up a laundry list of reasons why, but I’m not so sure anyone is all that interested. If you are – let me know.  But my guess is everyone has enough of their own stuff going on.  So here’s the short version:

"I get knocked down.
But I get up again.
You’re never gonna keep me down."

Forgive me for that.  Sadder yet, it’s not the first time I’ve quoted it here, but dammit if it isn’t catchy.  

Moving on.

So I’m up again and getting caught up.  Trying to get back to things that make me happy and finding myself with a whole new bucket of obsession and lusts (of the shopping variety).  And there’s no better time to indulge than during a deliciously long holiday weekend. 

Punk!  Chaos to Couture:

So excited to see the Punk: Chaos to Couture exhibit at the Met, which was amazing on so many levels.  For one, I’m obsessed with the costume exhibits and being able to be that close to some of the most amazing designs – the Elizabeth Hurley safety pin Versace dress, the McQueen graffiti dress and some of the original Vivian Westwood and Malcolm McClaren designs from the 70s and 80s was just amazing.

I’m a child of the 80s who listened to Adam Ant and Blondie, but had no idea what punk rock was or what all was going on.  (I was a kid. I wasn’t supposed to.)  So to see the actual t-shirts Adam Ant wore on stage?  Ahh-may-zing! 

For the record I probably would have made a horrible punk, being all high-maintenance, but I embraced my Doc Martens in college and totally loved seeing the history and evolution of the exhibit.  Total appreciation for it.   Though maybe not for the designs made out of plastic grocery bags, but tomato, tomatho. 

Princesses Long Island:

If you haven’t already….if you’ve hesitated….if it looks like another throwaway reality show, let me assure you, you will not regret watching this show.

Bravo’s latest and greatest continues to suck me in and give me so much to be grateful for.  Now sure, there are times, when I wish my parents were loaded and I didn’t have to grind away at a day job.  And I’d also be lying if I said I wasn’t a little jealous that the most parental-dependent of the group dropped almost $6K on shoes and charged it all to her dad’s credit card.  I’d rather have $6K in clothes or purses, but you get the picture.  But then I think I’d rather have my own money to drop on things.

They all still live with their parents, with the exception of one girl who moved to NYC and works and supports herself.  This should not be unusual mind you, but the whole premise of the show is that some Long Island girls live with their parents until they get engaged.  Though they live with the parents until the wedding night.  And while I suppose there is some practicality to this plan (they must save a lot of money), I’d have to believe it might stunt your emotional and mental growth.  And it might be the reason these girls have spouted gems like these:

  • Interventioning me
  • Independament woman
  • Spontanuity

These are not typos.  This is how they talk. And I’d like to thank them for that.

Then there’s the girl who drinks way too much.  We all know that girl.  There was probably a night or two when we each were that girl.  Though I never peddled Adderall to my friends at 3 a.m. at a post-party.  (To be clear, I’ve never peddled or taken Adderall at any point in the day or night.  Even I have limits.  Or smarts.  It could go either way on this decision.)  But watching this girl drink her face off in one scene after another makes me feel like even my bad choices are good choices.

And sometimes a photo does more than words ever could

It’s on right now.  Just put on Bravo already!


I’ve had a love/hate/struggle with getting on this bandwagon five years too late. I signed up for it in my “I need to be building my writing platform and this is a great place to start” phase.  And without even posting a single tweet I’ve managed to gain three whole followers.  (Thanks, friends!  You know who you are.)

But the more time I spend wasting away doing valuable research and surfing on the internet, I realize I need to get on board.  For one, some of my favorite authors and bloggers and general people of interest and friends are on there.  For two, it could be fun.  And for three, I need to be building my writing platform and this is a great place to start.

My hope is that it’s easy to maintain, but if I can text all day surely I can string together a sentence or two online.

Tweet!  Tweet! 


I have managed to get back on the eBay bandwagon.  Partially because I’ve been watching so much Resale Royalty (more on that later) and partially because my closet it packed with things I don’t wear, don’t like or bought in the throes of bad judgment and I need to make space for the new.  And if the old is going out I might as well make a few bucks on it.

I’ve got a dozen listings cooking and so far have cleared ~$50.  Not a windfall, but Rome wasn’t built in a day. It’s a game. It’s luck.  It’s a time suck.  But I’m in it to win it. 

And maybe, hopefully (though I doubt it) I’ll think twice before I buy something so-so.  The reason I know I will never learn is that I have a jacket to return but I’ve managed to lose the receipt and now am probably going to get stuck with a cheapie store credit.  By the only vices I have left are shopping and Diet Coke so cut me some slack. 

The Legacy:

I’m knee deep in revisions and rewrites.  I’ve given in to way too many distractions (and a few naps) but I made some great progress this weekend.  My goal was to get it out pre-Paris…..less than three weeks and counting…..but I don’t want to rush myself.

I also know I can’t live in this book forever.  Eventually I’m going to have to send it back out and start on the next.  I really don’t want to be one of those people who spends twenty years working on one book that never sees the light of day. Sure part of the pleasure is in the process, but it’s also in starting something new.  So here’s to it and from it and to it again.

I’m also all caught up on The Killing, tonight’s episode aside and have to say it’s so damn good.  I won’t talk plot because I don’t want to be one of those spoiler people, but it definitely trumps the first season (particularly, Part II of Season 1).  Watch this too.  You won’t regret it.  (But if you struggle with TV violence skip it.  Pitch Perfect is practically playing on repeat on HBO and that’s more feel good.  I’ve literally seen it 20 times in the past 2 weeks.  I can feel the shame raining down on me.)

Time to wind down with TV.  I’ll have a much better reality update to come.  It’s good to be back!

PS - This is what NYC looked like on July 4th.  I'm literally standing in what is usually the middle of traffic on Park Avenue.  I love the city when everyone else leaves it!

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