Friday, December 9, 2011

A heap of TV means a whole lot less writing.....

Well a few days off from writing and it’s been a little bit of a downhill spiral.  I took some time off (not totally by choice since I was letting the rest of my life slip and I need to stop that freefall).  Long story short (too late), and I’m at 58,764 words.  That’s not such great progress, in the grand scheme, but Rome wasn’t built in a day.  And I’m guessing The Devil Wears Prada wasn’t written in one either.

So one day at a time. I’ll get back to it.  I wrote on Wednesday.  And I’m here, right?  Just have to get back in my groove and then I’ll be flying again. I miss my daily update input on NaNo though.  Sigh!  Feeling the void for sure!  Fortunately NaNo’s programs and updates continue throughout the year so I can get my fix (and encouragement from the community) any time I want it. 

But while I wasn’t writing, I did make these delish mint mini brownies….from scratch, thankyouverymuch, so that took some time.  They are going to be a Christmas hit for sure!  Mmmmmmmmmm!  Brownies.

Catching up on life also meant step #1 in upgrading my computer (updated my back-up and the operating system.  Woohoo!), cleaning, laundry, shopping (necessities.  And my first official Christmas gift for mom. And maybe a pair of leather gloves for me.) and of course making my way through my DVR.  So of course, it’s me. And it’s TV.  And I have lots to say. 

I would like to say that this week’s 90210 viewing was wholly unintentional.  I got home from my massage at Bliss (aka what I imagine heaven to be like) and flipped on the TV.  A rerun of Ringer was coming on at 9 p.m. and it was a few minutes shy of that.  Hence, 90210 was on.  See?  Not my choice.  I can’t control the TV schedule.  And sure I can control what I watch but after a Blissage 75 I was too mellowed out and insanely happy to care about ten minutes of bad TV. 

As with all other shows airing this week, it was the mid-season finale so that means drama.  And cliffhangers.  But just like with the Lucinda reincarnation, they are once again reincarnating story lines.  What can I say? It’s a car crash I can’t turn away from.

90210 Then...
First up, Silver is making out with some married dude with a kid.  Swears he’ll leave his wife.  And why? he wonders, does Silver want to be with him knowing his “situation” (um, that situation is call MARRIAGE, ass hat).  Well, she says, all aglow, because he was *honest* about it, of course.  Hmmmm…wonder if he’s being just as honest with his wife??!?!!  Just saying.  Anyway, this is totally Valerie and that creeper, Kenny, who was an old co-worker of Jim Walsh and was going to be Val’s financial advisor.  (You know because she bought the After Dark after scoring money from the equally creeper FBI guy Jones, and Dylan, after helping in the sting to trap Suzanne and Kevin.  Yeah, that was believable.)  But shocker!  Kenny didn’t plan to leave his wife and Val was none too pleased. Does anyone remember when Val faked a pregnancy and pulled up to Kenny’s house and hands his wife diapers?  And the wife is all, “Kennnnnnny!  Why is she giving you diaaaaaaaaapers?”  LOL!  Genius.  Jut hope they don’t make Silver all bipolar again (third time…probably not the charm) and make her huck some diapers at Married Ass Hat. 

Can you guess which one is the Marky Mark model?
Storyline #2 – poor, emotionally tortured Dylan model Liam is cruising down the stripe on his motorcycle, while his will-they-or-won’t-they-get-back-together romantic interest, Annie (who b-t-w- survived DeGrassi’s Bible club.  Amen!), is leaving him a voicemail about how she always loved him.  So romantic.  Less romantic is that she’s pretty much been prostituting herself to make enough money to send her brother David Silver Dixon to rehab.  Too bad Liam gets nailed by a car before he can hear the voicemail and is left for dead.  A hit and run you say? Hello, Andrea Zuckerman.  Can only hope Liam doesn’t have a flashback while at a drag race with Brandon.  Though I must say, it was poetic how the hit and run driver, who initially had the good sense to call 911, looks up to check exactly where she is, and there’s a giant billboard of Liam in his underwear staring down at her.  Way to tap that Marky Mark thing about two decades too late.  Awful show.  Yet I got sucked into the last ten minutes and then spent another twenty writing about it.  Dammit!

Gossip Girl:
Best things about this week’s episode?  Chuck telling Nate how you can’t believe everything you read – “These stories are invented to sell papers to women who collect ceramic cats.”  Reminiscent of the delivery of his Season 1 quips.  Love it!  And Dorota telling Blair to make a wish “Bippity Boppity Boo!….Poof!”

Worst thing? (Spoiler alert!!!!) Blair and Chuck hopping in a limo and FINALLY admitting they are truly in love with each other and want to be together.  And then getting into a Princess Diana-esque car crash after being chased by the paparazzi. Chuck’s life is hanging in the balance (as if they’d kill him off) and Blair officially survives (but you just know she’ll lose the baby, so she’ll be free and clear to go with Chuck.  After another shitload of obstacles, of course.)  So bad it’s not even good. It’s just bad.  And the Charlie storyline?  Ridic.

Plus two car crash cliffhangers, two nights in a row?  C’mon CW.  You can do better than that.  I know you can, because you have…..

What’s bigger than being obsessed with something?  Because that’s me and Ringer.  I’m uber-obsessed.  Super-sized.  I can’t even talk about it enough. So freakingly well done.  So many twists and surprises and oh-no-they-didn’t moments.  I am going to watch all the reruns and worship at the feet of the SMG.  Catch up now, people!  It’s that good.  (No.  Really.  It is.  Don’t judge me for the 90210 thing.)  And for the record, I call bullshit on the Logan and Juliet thing.  He turned her down and now she’s going to try to ruin his life for it.  Spoiled little rich girl.  And with Siobhan back in town, all bets are off.  Side note, why are they making Henry look like Roy Halston all of a sudden?  Random. 

And while sadly, I haven’t discovered any “new” music this week Ringer has been playing all their ads with Adele in them. And no, not that Adele song. Or that other Adele song.  I loved this one when I first downloaded the album. Can only pray it stays under the radar for a little while longer….(or maybe I’m under the radar because I don’t really listen to the radio much.)

I watched some back-to-back episodes and am trying to get adjusted to Booth and Bones being a couple as much as they are.  I hope this isn’t their jump the shark moment.  And while I was never a fan of Moonlighting but I always hear how when Dave and Maddie got together it was the death of the show.

(Now before I go on, let me just address that groan over my having zero interest in Moonlighting. Oh, I know…how could I not?  I’ve heard it a hundred times before.  And I’ll tell you why not.  It’s called Remington Steele my friends.  It was the original and the superior in my book.   The dialogue was witty. Their banter was sharp.  Pierce Brosnan was charming (and the mysterious con man thing didn’t hurt).  The show had all the elements of a screwball comedy.  Old movie references all over the place.  Mystery.  Drama. Comedy.  I wanted to be Laura Holt.  I can absolutely credit Remington Steele as one of the first shows that truly made me fall in love with mysteries.  And it was one of the first shows we recorded with our Betamax so I would watch them over and over.  Still do.  Thank God the whole series is on DVD.  LOVE LOVE LOVE this show.)

But back to Bones.  There is still some good humor there.  I like them together.  I’m not quite sure about the new super-hick prodigy in the lab who learned forensics so he’d know how to kill his father (but then decided he’d always leave some kind of evidence behind and get caught so went on the straight and narrow).  Hmmmm….just bring back Clark already.  And I do love Sweets.   I’m all in.  More mysteries and detecting.

And then some…
I also got fully sucked into the made-for-TV movie Innocent, based on the Scott Turow book.  Now, Presumed Innocent was a great movie (and great book)!  I was curious where this story went, picking Rusty up 20 years later. This time his wife ends up dead (and he’s got a new mistress) and once again he’s fingered for the crime.  Not life-changing TV exactly, but entertaining nonetheless.  (Have to say Bill Pullman kind of annoyed the crap out of me.) 

The good news is TNT is doing Mystery Movie Night with movies based on bestsellers.  Kind of fun to see something new.  And John Corbett is in one (hello, lover!).  Love me a mystery.  Wish they would do more of the Lacey Smithsonian ones with Maggie Lawson, but I can’t have it all can I?

Also I have to say I’m totally annoyed by all the Kourtney & Kim commercials.  I kind of hate myself for giving them an inch of space here, but I’m going to implode if I have to watch that “if it’s not meant to be” chat between the two of them one more time.  I might have to boycott E! for good.  No wait.  That’s crazy talk. But I absolutely REFUSE to watch the marriage-sham show.  A girl just wants to watch some E! News and all they do is promote the hell out of that show with all their “watch their marriage fall apart” scenes.  We get it.  Their marriage didn’t last.  They don’t even seen to like each other much.  Who cares if Kris is a slob or Kim slams a door and cries?  I can count on my neighbors to fight at least one night a week and then hear their annoying kids cry.  Don’t need to watch it on TV.   And since my neighbors have 5 people in a one-bedroom (um, really?) I’m sure it’s messy in there too.  Yeah, yeah, yeah…judgy wudgy was a bear.

So lots of TV (it seems so much worse when I put in all down on paper) and less of writing.  Have a weekend of holiday fun planned and then back to the grind.  (And hopefully will get to my Xmas cards too…truly far too crazy of a time of year for a girl like me!)

And last, but certainly not least…Jason Priestly is going to be on Psych this week.  Love.  Love.  Love.  Even with his new face.  Thank you, James Roday and Dule Hill.  Keep on delivering!

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